

What is OPEN Subscription?


OPEN membership, gives you the opportunity to attend all classes, when you want, as often as you want, on the days and times available on the calendar, except for dance classes.
This subscription is especially suitable for those who want to work out in total freedom: Pilates, Yoga, Postural Rebalancing, Fit4Fun, Power Training (Functional Training) and RunChallenge (Running), participate in the classes you most prefer without limits!
The benefits of the OPEN subscription are:
- Attending all classes, from morning to evening, throughout the week. Choosing your favorite workout each day. 
- Playing sports more than an hour a day, several days a week




What courses can I take with the OPEN subscription?


With OPEN membership you can attend Pilates, Yoga, Postural Rebalancing, Fit4Fun, Fit4Fun Outdoor, PowerTraining and PowerTraining Outdoor, RunChallenge (Running).




Is it possible to purchase a single course and not the subscription?


Yes, it is possible. You will be able to choose to purchase a single course, from those available on the calendar, always attending the same discipline once a week, at the same day and time.




How much does the OPEN subscription cost compared to the standard single course fee and the FLEX subscription?


Single Four-month course = €250
Four-month FLEX subscription for 1 single discipline = 330€.
Four-month OPEN subscription for all disciplines = €390
Single Annual Course = 450€
FLEX Annual Subscription for 1 single discipline = 560€.
Annual OPEN Subscription for all disciplines = €680-


I have already purchased a single course or FLEX Subscription, can I upgrade to OPEN Subscription?


Yes, if from a single course or OPEN subscription you want to have the flexibility to attend all disciplines when you want, as many times as you want, you can upgrade by supplementing the fee difference. If you are interested please email us at corsi@playmore.it with your request and you will receive instructions to upgrade to the OPEN subscription.




To purchase an Open Membership

Click here >>


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